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Dr. Kari Jensen was invited to publish two chapters in “Geographies of Children and Young People” a major new 12 volume reference series published by Springer.

Dr. Kari Jensen was invited to publish two chapters in “Geographies of Children and Young People” a major new 12 volume reference series published by Springer. "Geographies of Children and Young People" pulls together the best international scholarship focusing on younger people. The two chapters, which can be accessed online, are:
Jensen, Kari B. 2016. “Learning Skills, Building Social Capital, and Getting an Education: Actual and Potential Advantages of Child Domestic Work in Bangladesh.” In: Abebe, T. and Waters, J. (eds) Work and education—labouring and learning, Vol. 10 in Skelton, T. (editor-in-chief) Geographies of Children and Young People, Springer, Singapore.

Jensen, Kari B. 2015. “Female Child Domestic Workers' Limited Agency: Working and Living in the Private Homes of Employers in Bangladesh ”. In: Freeman, C. and Tranter, P. (eds) Risk, protection, provision and policy, Vol. 12 in Skelton, T. (editor-in-chief) Geographies of Children and Young People, Springer, Singapore.