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Get Global Officers in the Past

Fall 2018
Tyler Stock, President
Olukemi "Kemi" Anazodo, Vice President
Thomas Nielsen, Treasurer
Paula Chirinos, Secretary
Adanya Hicks, PR Manager

Spring 2018
Emma Rossetti, President
Olukemi "Kemi" Anazodo, Vice President
Natalia Day, Treasurer
Paula Chirinos, Secretary

Fall 2017
Lois Paquette, President
Rachel Billard, Vice President
Natalia Day, Treasurer
Olukemi "Kemi" Anazodo, Secretary

CJ Burka, President
Lois Paquette, Vice President
Sarah Gerwens, Treasurer
Tempe Staples, Secretary
Jasmina Dzurlic, PR and Events Manager

Spring 2016
CJ Burka, President
Tempe Staples, Vice President
Julia McGuire, Vice President
Vinesh Raghoo, Treasurer

Fall 2015
Cory McBryan, President
CJ Burka, Vice President
Julia McGuire, Secretary
Vinesh Raghoo, Treasurer
Tempe Staples, PR Manager

Cory McBryan, President
Julia McGuire, Vice President
Tempe Staples, Secretary
Vinesh Raghoo, Treasurer
Mishaina Joseph, PR Manager

Kendra Sciortino, President
Maya Cantrell, Vice President
Kyle Miller, Secretary
Ethan Magee, Treasurer
Cory McBryan, PR/Publicity
Julia McGuire, Events Manager

Kendra Sciortino, President
Jennifer Perniciaro, Vice President
Melanie Martha, Secretary
Clara Schopf, Treasurer
Alecia Detka, PR/Marketing
Julia McGuire, Events Manager

James Yantis, President
Anna Okoniewski, Vice President
Amanda Martin, Secretary
Shea Molloy, PR/Marketing

Alyssa Coco, President
James Yantis, Vice President 
Amanda Martin, Secretary

Allison Redman, President
Umila Singh, Secretary

Adrienne Gillespie, President
Allison Redman, Vice President