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Writing Across the Curriculum

Hofstra's Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program supports faculty who want to incorporate writing into their teaching. Through faculty development events and Writing Center resources, participants design formal and informal strategies to enhance their instruction and deepen student engagement.

Recently Offered Workshops:

Make the Most of the Margins: Responding to Student Writing

Dr. Dan Cole will discuss ways to comment clearly and effectively on student papers, especially those tough-to-tackle term papers. We'll explore ways our comments can maximize student engagement, and deepen learning and inquiry.

Writing-to-Learn Strategies for the Classroom

Dr. Ethna Lay will demonstrate three ways to develop critical thinking through writing, including: (i) the recording of first thoughts; (ii) collaborative inkshedding; and (iii) the use of blogs as conversation. Each of these writing activities supports students' critical thinking, facilitates the transfer of knowledge, and reinforces learning across coursework in various disciplines.

WAC Graphic

Make a Writing Center Appointment