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Lectures and Awards

The Brian J. Molloy Memorial Award

This award is given annually by a faculty committee for the best essay from WSC001 and WSC002 students for that year.

The award is named in honor of Brian Molloy, an adjunct professor, who taught Composition 1 and Composition 2 in the Hofstra English Department from 2003 to 2006.

Professor Molloy, who attended Columbia Teacher’s College, was a specialist in American literature, composition and rhetoric. His love of literature and language and his own deeply ingrained intellectual curiosity were an inspiration to the students he taught at Hofstra and Northport High School. He was a devoted mentor, a scholar and a gentleman.

The Roslyn H. Newman Annual Lecture in Writing and Poetry

This annual lecture is sponsored by family and friends of Hofstra alumna and writing instructor Roslyn H. Newman. Lecturers are scholars and teachers of distinction in fields related to composition studies and poetry.

Appointees are selected by the chairperson of the Department of Writing Studies and Composition in consultation with interested faculty members.

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