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Cultural Center

HOFSTRA CULTURAL CENTER presents a conference

Building a Scientifically Literate Population and Workforce for the 21st Century - Part 2:
The Science of Patterns and Colors

Thursday and Friday
October 23-24, 2008

This conference will focus on using the study of pattern development and colors in chemistry to teach science to K-12 students. Other highlights include: NSF videoconference on grant opportunities, discussion of impact of HS and undergraduate research on encouraging budding scientists, hands-on workshop on experiments in patterns and colors in K-5 and 6-8,  and a plenary lecture on patterns in nature by Dr.  John A. Pojman, Professor of Macromolecular Science, Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University.

A complete schedule of panels can be found in the conference registration program.

For more information contact the Hofstra Cultural Center at (516) 463-5669, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Conference Co-Directors:

Sabrina G. Sobel
Chair and Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
Hofstra University

Irene Plonczak
Assistant Professor of  Curriculum and Teaching"
Director, Master of Arts Program in Elementary Education
Specialization in Math, Science and Technology
School of Education, Health and Human Services
Hofstra University

Conference Coordinator:
Carol D. Mallison

Hofstra Cultural Center