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Hofstra University Museum
  • Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age | January 28-June 19, 2020 | Emily Lowe Gallery, behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
  • David Filderman Gallery | Other People’s Parties | August 13, 2019-March 13, 2020 | Joan and Donald Axinn Library Ninth Floor, South Campus

Education at the Hofstra University Museum of Art

FOR TEACHERS & SCHOOLS P-12 - Planning Your Class Visit to the Museum

Guided tours and hands-on art-making activities facilitate inquiry-based discussion of the artwork and aim to foster the development of observation, analytic, communication and critical thinking skills. Students learn to look carefully at works of art and articulate their ideas about them. Programs address New York State Learning Standards in the Visual Arts as well as in ELA and Social Studies.

SCHEDULING A VISITSaltzman group visit
The Hofstra University Museum of Art welcomes school groups to explore the Museum's collections and special exhibitions with members of the Museum's Education staff. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 516.463.5672.

Times: Visits last for ninety minutes and are offered Monday through Friday. 

Group Size: Please be aware that space limitations may apply; please call to discuss.

Chaperones: One per every ten students is required.

Fees: Visits are $10.00 per student. Fee waivers are available under special circumstances. Teachers and Chaperones are free.

Confirmation: You will receive letter confirming your tour date and time, an invoice for payment, and a map locating the Museum on the campus of the University. The confirmation form must be completed, signed and returned with a non-refundable $50 deposit to secure the reservation.

Click here to learn more about Hofstra University Museum of Art school programs.

Click here to learn more about the Museum's current and upcoming exhibitions.

To schedule a school visit at the Hofstra University Museum of Art, please contact the Museum at 516-463-5672 or email at museum[at]hofstra.edu .

  • Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age | January 28-June 19, 2020 | Emily Lowe Gallery, behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
  • David Filderman Gallery | Other People’s Parties | August 13, 2019-March 13, 2020 | Joan and Donald Axinn Library Ninth Floor, South Campus