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Hofstra University Museum
  • Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age | January 28-June 19, 2020 | Emily Lowe Gallery, behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
  • David Filderman Gallery | Other People’s Parties | August 13, 2019-March 13, 2020 | Joan and Donald Axinn Library Ninth Floor, South Campus

Outdoor Sculpture Collectionmihail_chemiakin_plato_having_a_dialogue_with_socrates

Mihail Chemiakin (Russian, born 1943)
Plato Having a Dialogue with Socrates, 1999
62 x 113.5 x 57 in.
Hofstra University Museum of Art, Gift of the Estate of Harold E. Yuker, HU99.7

The piece features Plato seated on a low column a table, having a conversation with a bust of Socrates. Across the table from Plato is an empty seat. The empty seat is a similar column, upon which any person can sit and join in the dialogue. There is room enough at the table so that persons with disabilities or those who are able-bodied may sit in on the discussion.

Plato Having a Dialogue with Socrates was funded by a bequest from the Harold E. Yuker estate for the educational and cultural benefit of Hofstra University. Dr. Harold E. Yuker, Hofstra Professor of Psychology from 1948-1997, became a provost and distinguished professor at Hofstra despite a lifelong struggle with cerebral palsy. In the early 1960s, Dr. Yuker played a major role in making Hofstra the first private university in the nation to become 100 percent barrier-free to persons with disabilities, well before legislative mandates.

  • Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age | January 28-June 19, 2020 | Emily Lowe Gallery, behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
  • David Filderman Gallery | Other People’s Parties | August 13, 2019-March 13, 2020 | Joan and Donald Axinn Library Ninth Floor, South Campus