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Hofstra University Museum
  • Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age | January 28-June 19, 2020 | Emily Lowe Gallery, behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
  • David Filderman Gallery | Other People’s Parties | August 13, 2019-March 13, 2020 | Joan and Donald Axinn Library Ninth Floor, South Campus

Breaking the Walls of Bias:
Art From Survivors

April 16 - August 1, 2002
Emily Lowe Gallery

Marcus Schubert, Guest Curator

The Hofstra Museum presents the exhibition Breaking the Walls of Bias: Art From Survivors in conjunction with The Survivors Art Foundation. The exhibition is on view in the Emily Lowe Gallery from April 16 to August 1, 2002.

"These artist/survivors have managed recoveries, or are managing recoveries, from horrific mental and physical traumas. Their artistic expressions tell their stories, send their messages about the world as they see it, a world inevitably altered from the reality others confront because of their time in a dim and dark corner. Art from survivors is a different art than the elitists' productions, not better, not worse, but different by personal experience."

David Christman, Director
Hofstra Museum

  • Uncharted: American Abstraction in the Information Age | January 28-June 19, 2020 | Emily Lowe Gallery, behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
  • David Filderman Gallery | Other People’s Parties | August 13, 2019-March 13, 2020 | Joan and Donald Axinn Library Ninth Floor, South Campus