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Global Studies and Geography's Student Club, Get Global, Hosts Peruvian Diversity Dinner

Get Global organized a nice, informative, Peruvian Diversity Dinner on Tuesday, April 24, in the Plaza Room West in the Student Center. The 70 attendees included students from many different schools and departments, and a few faculty (some with family members). The President of Get Global, Emma Rossetti, welcomed everyone, and then Connie Tais Maria Anderson Castilla, a sophomore film major from Peru, gave a PowerPoint presentation about her country and her experiences as a Peruvian in America. Afterwards, Get Global secretary Paula Ximena Chirinos Paucar, who moved to the U.S. from Peru as a three-year-old, presented PowerPoints about the Geography and food culture of Peru, specifically focusing on the food items on the menu. She even taught us to count to five in Quechua! While we enjoyed the delicious Peruvian food, Peruvian music was playing in the background. On each of the five large tables several beautiful, hand-crafted artifacts from Peru were exhibited, and a fact sheet with entertaining Geography memes made many of us chat and laugh. Thanks to all in Get Global for a well-organized event! 

Visit our Flickr page to view additional photos from the dinner.

