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Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue Receives the 2019 Edward L. Ullman Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Transport Geography

Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Professor of Global Studies and Geography, was selected by the Transportation Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) as the 2019 winner of the Edward L. Ullman Award for outstanding contribution to the field of transport geography. This is among the most prestigious international awards in transportation geography.

Offered by the Transportation Geography Specialty Group since 1990, the award is named for Edward Louis Ullman (1912 – 1976) who was a highly influential transportation geographer and spent most of his academic career at the University of Washington.

Dr. Rodrigue will be honored at the business meeting of the specialty group to be held during this year's AAG Annual Meeting in Washington, DC in April. Additionally, as recipient of this award, Dr. Rodrigue has been invited to give the Fleming Lecture in Transportation Geography at the 2020 AAG annual meeting, which will be held April 6 - 10 in Denver, CO.
