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Global Studies Major, Julianna Cirafesi, Defends Thesis

The Global Studies and Geography Department is proud to announce that Global Studies major, Julianna Cirafesi, successfully defended her Global Studies Honors Thesis on Monday, December 3, 2018, earning High Honors.  Julianna’s thesis, "Globalization and Health: A qualitative study of immigrant women's health and the Hispanic paradox" focused on the Hispanic Paradox, a phenomenon which describes how the Hispanic population in the US has better health outcomes than the overall US population despite having a lower socioeconomic status. However, the Hispanic population’s health declines the longer they stay in the US. Julianna’s thesis specifically focused on understanding which health behaviors from these immigrants’ original cultures could be contributing to their better health and how their health behaviors change when they move to the US that could be contributing to their decline in health. Her Honors Thesis Supervisor was Dr. Kari Jensen, Associate Professor of Global Studies and Geography; additionally, the committee was comprised of Dr. Veronica Lippencott, Adjunct Associate Professor of Global Studies and Geography, and Dr. Martine Hackett, Assistant Professor of Health Professions. Julianna will be presenting her research at Hofstra’s Undergraduate Research Day on Tuesday, December 11, 2018.

Julianna, who will be graduating in May 2019, is a member of Mu Kappa, Hofstra’s chapter of the International Geographic Honor Society, Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU) where she is currently the Secretary and completed an internship in South Africa this past summer.

Congratulations Julianna!
