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Hofstra University Honors College

Permanent Honors Option Proposal Form

The link below will take you to a Blackboard Site containing forms that are designed to aid faculty in preparing successful Honors Option proposals. After logging onto Blackboard you will be taken to the All Faculty Blackboard Site. Look for the link titled HUHC Honors Option Proposal Forms. It will take you to a page containing the link for New Permanent Honors Option (PHO) Proposals.

Our principle objective is to facilitate the development and implementation of honors experiences for as many HUHC students and faculty as possible. We are grateful for the dedication and effort Hofstra faculty give to supporting HUHC students in this way.

By responding to the form’s questions you are providing the Honors College Council with all of the information needed to review and approve your department’s plans to enrich your course(s). If while completing the form you have any concerns or questions contact Associate Dean Neil H. Donahue (email) or Dean Warren G. Frisina (email). You may also reach us by calling: 516-463-4842.

A complete PHO proposal must include electronic copies at least two examples the regular course syllabus revised to indicate due dates of the assigned PHO material. You will be prompted to attach the syllabi to the proposal.

HUHC Honors Option Proposal Forms