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Hofstra University Honors College

HUHC Alumni

One of the best things about HUHC is the fact that its students come from a representative sample of all of the programs and majors offered at Hofstra. This means our alumni are succeeding in so many different ways we can’t begin to categorize them. Here we feature a few, but also provide you with a complete list of the names of all of the HUHC students who graduated with an HUHC designation marking their Hofstra degrees as having been earned with distinction.

In Focus

Meet some of the people of the Hofstra University Honors College.


Alex Moore

Alex Moore

Natasha Puri

Natasha Puri


Nikki Melina Constantine Bell

Nikki Melina Constantine Bell


Harpreet S. Multani

Pascale Ngo

Pascale Ngo

Joseph Pawlowski

Joseph Pawlowski

Caitlin Taylor

Caitlin Taylor