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Hofstra University Honors College

HUHC Initiates New Study Abroad Incentive Grants

Beginning in the 2008-09 academic year, HUHC will offer study abroad incentive grants to HUHC students who are participating in any of the Hofstra-sponsored study abroad programs. Students who receive the grants will be awarded $500 to be used to offset tuition expenses. Those interested in studying in China will be eligible for larger grants of up to $2,500.

“Nothing changes you more than stepping outside of your own cultural context and learning how to navigate someone else’s world. We are committed to increasing the percentage of HUHC students who make study abroad a part of their undergraduate experience,” said Dean Frisina.

A recent survey of HUHC students revealed that 83 percent left for college hoping they would study abroad. Once in college, however, that number dropped to 65 percent, with a significant number of those ultimately unable to fulfill their initial ambition to study abroad. When asked about the impediments to study abroad, 92 percent pointed to funding.

Speaking about the program, Associate Dean Neil Donahue said, “The incentive grants are designed to get students’ attention, and to help them initiate the process of finding a way to finance a study abroad experience. Our goal is to increase the number of HUHC students who study abroad, and we are convinced that these grants will have that effect.” This program is the result of donations made by alumni, especially Mr. Mark Marcucci, who helped us kick things off this year.

Hofstra Students Abroad