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Music Library Circulation Policy

Library Card

Students, Faculty, and Staff: Your Hofstra University ID is your library card. Bring it to the Circulation Desk to be linked to your record in our system.

Alumni: You must have an active alumni card in order to borrow materials from the library. For information on the benefits of an Alumni ID and how to obtain one please refer to the Alumni Benefits section of the university web page.

Checkout Periods

Books and Scores:  Students 14 days / Faculty 180 days / Alumni & Staff 30 days
Ensemble Scores: Students 14 days* / Faculty 180 days / Alumni & Staff 30 days
    (* extended to 3 days after scheduled recital or MUS020 performance)
CDs, LPs, DVDs, and electronics: Students 2 hours / Faculty 7 days / Alumni & Staff 2 hours
Practice Room Keys: Students 3 hours

Renewal and return of materials may be done in person at the Circulation Desk in the Music Library.
For information about renewals, recall/hold requests, returning materials, fines, lost or damaged items check the “Borrowing Information” page for Axinn Library.

Updated: Aug 30, 2011

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