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Hofstra University Honors College


  1. To attract, retain and support highly motivated, high achieving students to HUHC and the broader Hofstra community. 
  2. To provide HUHC students with the intellectual tools and administrative support to advance toward their own chosen academic goals.
  3. To help HUHC students make informed choices from among the many different options open to them at the university.
  4. To create opportunities for HUHC students to engage with and learn from broader academic and civic communities of which they are a part.
  5. To establish a social network for HUHC students that can serve as a starting point for engagement with the Hofstra community.
  6. To be a center for intellectual engagement among faculty from across all the different disciplines at Hofstra University.
  7. To create pedagogical opportunities where faculty experiment with new strategies and explore creative new classroom possibilities.
  8. To partner with other individuals, departments and programs in pursuit of new opportunities to enhance and enrich intellectual life at Hofstra University.